Grading the Poses

In order to determine how well people in the Yoga for Osteoporosis Dose-Response Study are grading themselves and each other in a coherent manner, one needs two things: A well-described scale, and something to grade!

Below you will find the 4-level grading scale, and a list of all the poses on the first DVD, which is what we’ll all grade. We will grade the classical version of each pose during the webinar on July 24th. That way we’ll all be grading the same exact thing, and statistically we’ll be able to determine to what extent we’re coming up with the same assessments.

Gradations of Effort

Gradations of Effort The short chart below is intended as a helping guide to teachers and participants in the Osteoporosis Dose Response study to help make the rating uniform and replicable. As you know the teachers and participants rate the participants’ effort on a four-point scale: 
A: 76-100% effortB: 51-75% effortC: 26-50% effortD: 0 – 25% effort
For each of these four categories we give a definition, and supply words and expressions that help characterize the different levels of involvement. We’ve made use of the Borg Exertion Scale, the only similar measure we’ve found.  If a reader has ideas of how to improve these characterizations, please let us know.

A:76 – 100% – Best Definition: “Great effort, maximum effort.”Signs:Total effort or close to that                       Much muscle contraction                       Near-constant self-correctingFull responsiveness to cueing                       Possibly:                                   Rapid breathing or excellent breath control                                   Perspiration                                   Trembling or shaking of limb(s)
We will go over this again in the free webinar offered to all certified therapists and students on July 24 from 8:30 – 9:30 EDT, with a half hour of questions afterwards.
B:51 – 75% –Best Definition: “Good effort, moderate effort.”Signs:Serious signs of trying: significant breath control, self-checking for alignment.                       Moderate muscle tightnessMore self-correctingSignificant responsiveness to cueingBetter attention to breathing, which might be faster Awareness that leads to active improvement while in pose.
C:26 – 50% –  Best Definition: “Minimal effort,” “Some effort.”Signs:Definite signs of effort.                       Some muscular tightness.                       Minor self-correcting                       Some responsiveness to cueing                       Minimal breath change or control                       More attentive
D:0 – 25% Best Definition: “Little or no effort.”Signs:No signs of effort.                       Lackadaisical                       “Hanging out” in the pose                       Not responding to cueing                       No muscles tense                       Sometimes distracted                       No self-correcting
Please delete all the grades but the one you choose. For example:If you judge Right Bent Leg Vriksasana, Tree             A B C D                 as 35% effort, it becomes:       Right Bent Leg Vriksasana, Tree                       C

Scoresheet for Grading

Classical Version of the 12 Poses on the First Series DVD
SCALE: 76 – 100% effort = A; 51 – 75% effort = B;
25 – 50% effort = C; 0 – 25% effort = D                                 

Right Vriksasana, Tree                              A B C D                                           

Left Vriksasana, Tree                                 A B C D                                          
Right Trikonasana, Triangle                       A B C D                                      

Left Trikonasana, Triangle                           A B C D                                      
Right Virabhadrasana II, Warrior II           A B C D                                      

Left Virabhadrasana II, Warrior II             A B C D                                      
Right Parsvakonasana, Side Angle Pose    A B C D                                      

Left Parsvakonasana, Side Angle Pose      A B C D                                      
Right P. Trikonasana, Twisted Triangle     A B C D                                      

Left P. Trikonasana, Twisted Triangle        A B C D                                      
Salabhasana, Locust                                       A B C D                                     
Setu Bandhasana, Bridge                              A B C D                                      
Right Supta Padangusthasana I                   A B C D                                      

Left Supta Padangusthasana I                      A B C D                                      
Right Supta Padangusthasana II                  A B C D                                     

Left Supta Padangusthasana II                     A B C D                                     
Right Marichyasana, Marichya’s Pose        A B C D                                      

Left Marichyasana, Marichya’s Pose           A B C D                                      
Right Matsyendrasana, Seated Twist          A B C D                                      

Left Matsyendrasana, Seated Twist              A B C D                                      
Savasana, Corpse                                              A B C D                                      
Name______________________________________________ Date_____________________

So there are four things I’m asking you to do:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the Gradation of Effort scale.
  2. Register for and attend the webinar at 8:30 EDT on July 24.
  3. In the later part of the webinar, I’ll show the whole 12-minute DVD and we’ll all grade the person doing the classical version of each pose.
  4. Then please send your grades back to me.

You may want to make your grades in pencil on the printed-out form, and then copy them onto the email I sent you about two weeks ago, and then just email it back to me. Please don’t grade the DVD poses until we get to them in the webinar. And please remember, you’re not grading them on how well they do the pose, but rather on how hard they’re trying. It’s a question of effort. If you’re a Certified Teacher or a study Participant, please remember to register for the webinar.
Click Here
See you on the 24th.

This form may be emailed to,or faxed to (212) 472-0077,or surface mailed to Dr. Loren Fishman133 E 58th StreetSuite 811NY, NY 10022USA